Monday, August 3, 2015

Back to School Giveaway

If you're a K-5 teacher, we know you're probably still relaxing in your beach chair, soaking up the sunshine, listening to the sweet sound of the ocean waves, while sipping on freshly picked coconuts served to you by some cabana boy in a grass skirt on a tropic island.  But the reality is, dare I say it, that back to school is just around the corner. 

Wait, what? You've been working all summer? Teaching summer school, attending professional development classes, lesson planning, shopping for supplies, prepping materials and decorating your classroom? Yeah we know. Don't forget we're teachers too. It was just wishful thinking. We do however hope everyone had at least a few days to sit back and relax without thinking about school work.


Here at the iTeach Blogs we're excited to announce that we're teaming up to bring you a mega back to school giveaway this year. One lucky teacher will win an iPad Air 2 with a cute owl-themed case, stylus pen, and a $15 gift card to iTunes.You can use this iPad as a personal device, to lead whole group activities, as a small group learning station, an individual choice time, or as an enrichment activity. With so many great educational apps available, the possibilities are endless. No matter how you use it, we know it will become a favorite item in your classroom this school year.

To enter, just fill out the rafflecopter entry form at the end of this post and leave a comment telling us why you want to win, or how you would use the iPad in your classroom. We are accepting entries from Sunday 8/2 through Saturday 8/8. A random winner will be selected and announced here via the Rafflecopter on Sunday 8/9. Best wishes on this new school year and may the odds be in your favor for the giveaway!

Best Wishes,
Your Teacher Friends at the iTeach Blogs


  1. I'd love to win the iPad!! :o)

  2. I would love to win! I've seen so many amazing sight word and math fact fluency apps that I know my kiddos would love, as well as some awesome storytelling and video creating apps, too! Fingers crossed!

  3. With limited technology in the classroom (2 student computers) I would use the iPad for many things... reading, math, research, fluency, etc

  4. Having an IPad in class would be an amazing resource to help my students. Students would have access to resources that are unavailable at home to help them succeed. Thank you for this opportunity.

  5. I want to win because this would be so awesome to have in the classroom! My students would freak out! We don't really have a lot of techonology in our school (my principal is working hard to create funds for Chrome books, iPads, etc.), but we just aren't there yet. This would be very helpful to have and I'd love to share it with my first grade team too!

  6. I would love to use the iPad to lead whole class lessons. It'd be great for engagement!

  7. I would use the iPad for Listening to reading and word work stations.

  8. I'm a homeschooling parent of kids in those grades. Can I enter?

  9. I would want to win because using technology in the classroom breaks down many barriers for students to learn. I believe in using technology helps teachers become more UDL. (Universal Design for Learning) With this iPad I will load visual aids (pecs), speech assistance, and read aloud books for my students in first grade. I currently use my iPad to help students with math games and literacy interventions. I would love an iPad. Thank you for the opprotunity! It is truly a blessing for the winner.
    Colleen Carson

  10. I work in literacy with 1st grade. Would be great to win!!!! Things I would be able to use the i-pad for is songs, rewards, games...and even video taping the students to show parents progress. Such fun

  11. This would be great to use in my 1st grade classroom! I would use the iPad for small groups and one at a time! I can think of so many fun ways to use this in the classroom!

  12. I would use this for a small group instruction.

  13. I use it for reading rotations/centers. I love to let the kids play sight word games/apps.

  14. I would to be able to use it with my kids making movies, QR Codes, during intervention time, and many more activities!

  15. This would be extremely helpful in my classroom. I currently have no way of reading QR codes in my classroom, so this would allow me to have activities with QR codes for my students to get immediate feedback with center activities. This would also enable me to use Plickers with my students. I super excited for this giveaway! Thanks for the opportunity to win!

  16. I teach in a very low income area. Some of my students have technology at home, but not a lot of them. I would LOVE to have an ipad in my classroom! There are so many music apps that I could use with my students!

  17. I love using the iPad for Frontrow math. My students love it!!

  18. I would use this Ipad in small groups as well as using during station time (as a station--listen to reading, read to self, etc.). This would also be great to do some intervention activities as well.

    Mrs. Thigpen's Kindergarten

  19. I would be able to use this iPad with students with autism for social stories and for reading intervention for students who need more opportunities to work on their own level! :) I hope I win!

  20. I would use this to replace the one my students broke last year :(

  21. This iPAD would enable me to provide differentiated ways for my students for whom English is not their first language. I can support them with more visuals to connect to key concepts and vocabulary. What a generous opportunity, thanks!

  22. I would love to win because I teach in Detroit and technology is not always available. Some children also don't have technology at home so I would love for them to be able to use it more at school.

  23. Winning this ipad would be a huge blessing for my students and our classroom. It would provide them with the opportunity to improve their literacy skills, practice math facts and open doors in their education that weren't there before! Thank you for this opportunity!!

  24. I would use this in my special education resource room for behavior management (some great apps), listen to reading book apps, and would love to have one and add the new osmo.

  25. Id love to use this in my 5th grade classroom for Skype and some learning apps. No one in our school has an iPad for the classroom. I know my kids will love it!

  26. I would use the iPad in small group instruction for support and enrichment for my first grade students. The IPad had so many great apps for math, spelling and reading ! I would also use it with my students with behavior challenges as a reward time for on task behavior.

  27. I would love to win this package, as any other teacher would ! I would use this iPad I my small group instruction to support as well as enrich my first grade students. There are so many benefits to using an iPad in the classroom, they are not only using technology but integrating it with math, spelling and reading , all while they are fine tuning their fine motor skills. I would also use it for my students with behavior challenges as a reward for meeting their goals for the day.

  28. I will use the iPad as another great tool to differentiate instruction. It makes learning and practicing skills fun!

  29. We have only 2 ipads for 20 students in our classroom. It would be great to have another one to be able to use with my Belko and still have 2 for the students. There are great reading and math apps on the ipads and they are great tools for using during inside recesses that we have quite often in Nebraska due to cold and snow. Thanks for this great opportunity to win one!

  30. I would use it as a wonderful tool in individual and small group time.
