
Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Using Voicethreads with Mrs. Groom's Room

Hello sweet friends!  

It's Shana Grooms from Mrs. Grooms' Room!  I hope everyone is having a great summer.  School has already started for some, (Can you believe that?  Wow!), and some of us are getting ready for the big day. Yikes!!  

I wanted to share one of my favorite websites and app called Voicethreads that I like to use throughout the year:

I don't know how often many of my friends out there use VoiceThread but it is such an easy website to use and it's an AWESOME way to showcase your student's work, ideas, and projects.  It is a website that you can use to showcase and tell about your work, whether it is a painting or story or project. Friends, family, or teachers can comment on the project as well.  So if Johnny tells about his writing, then Grandma can say, "Johnny, you did a great job!"

Here is one that I did a couple of years ago with my students.  They wrote the script themselves AND read it on the mic!   Their voices are so cute especially when the roots hold the plant in the ground!!  :)

Here is one that I did for my substitute teachers...ya know...when I am out because of mental exhaustion and anxieties?    It goes along with my sub plans for The Little Red Hen!  If you have them, use my Voicethread!  And you can hear me!!  Aaghh!  :)  (And the funny part is I tried to use character voices! What was I thinking?)

Here is what you can do to get started on VoiceThread:
1)  Set up an account.  It is free for the first five VoiceThreads!

2)  Take pictures of what you want to comment on or read about.
3)  Upload your pictures to VoiceThread.
4)  Comment on your pictures.  (This means reading the page or saying something about your picture.  It could be you commenting, one of your students commenting, or it could be many of your students commenting!)
5)  You can share your work with family and friends.  They can comment on your work too!  Cool, huh?
6)  You can use it on your iPad, too!!!  

It is very, very easy.  In fact, I would dare say it is easier than most programs. I promise, if you try will love it.  I do one or two every year.  It is great technology practice for the younger students and they just die a little when the hear their voices.  Haha!  

By the way, here is one I did of Pumpkin Jack....not my best by far but my poor copy of Pumpkin Jack was truly decomposing so I had to find a way to save him!

Let me know how you use VoiceThread!  Hope you have a great start to your year!! 
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