
Saturday, April 4, 2015

Whole Brain Teaching FUNTRICITY

Whole Brain Teachers of America is a grass roots, education reform movement begun in 1999 by three Yucaipa, California teachers: Chris Biffle (college), Jay Vanderfin (elementary school) and Chris Rekstad (elementary school).  Since then we have been joined by a dedicated group of K-12 educators who form our Board of Directors.
In the last 10 years we have given seminars to over 6,000 educators representing over 300,000 students. Though we are centered in Southern California, we've been contacted by teachers from across the United States, Europe, Asia and Africa. Typically, our free seminars, offered three times a year at Crafton Hills College, attract over 400 instructors.  Our websites receive over 2,000 hits per day.  Whole Brain Teaching is one of the fastest growing, education reform movements in America.

Whole Brain Teaching rests upon the principle that teachers at every level share the same difficulties: students lack discipline, background knowledge and fundamental problem solving skills. From kindergarten to college, teachers face students who have difficulty with reading and writing. Nonetheless, our students respond to challenges, enjoy well-designed learning games, and can make, in the proper setting, astonishing educational progress.
Our goal is to create peaceful classrooms full of orderly fun. Thousands of teachers believe we're on the right track.

Whole Brain Teaching is grounded in 7 basic techniques that create what we like to call TEACHER HEAVEN!  With this BIG 7, your classroom can be a place of learning and FUNTRICITY!  We all know that FUN LEARNING is the best LEARNING!
THE Big 7: Class-Yes, Five Rules, Teach-OK, the Scoreboard (and Super Improvers Team), Hands and Eyes, Mirror, and Switch

This is where you start. Everything WBT is built on these techniques, which is why they are called the big 7. The first four are the "Core 4", and are arguably the most important techniques you will ever introduce to your class. Add in the rest to complete the BIG 7. But don't forget the Super Improvers Team too! With these techniques you have all of the keys necessary to creating an amazing classroom full of WBT FUNTRICITY!

Are you ready to see WBT in action!  Check out the videos below! If you are interested in learning more about Whole Brain Teaching...join us this summer in Pineville, LA for our 2015 National Whole Brain Conference!  

Now on to the videos!!!

If these videos has your brain stirring and your heart pounding I hope you join me and my colleagues in Louisiana this year!  Come learn how your classroom can be TEACHER HEAVEN!  

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